

时间:2023-10-29 06:55:40 经典说说 我要投稿
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  1、堵你心头,住你心上。Block your heart and stay in your heart.

  2、亲,我正痴痴把你想!Dear, I am thinking about you!

  3、我这辈子,只爱你一人。I love you all my life.

  4、常常想着给你惊喜,让你快乐。Always want to surprise you, make you happy.

  5、我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海。I will always be, even if lonely open into the sea.

  6、秋雨渐渐,不如你。Autumn rain gradually, not as you.

  7、往事若能下酒,回忆便是一场宿醉。If the past can drink, memories are a hangover.

  8、用一生的痴情,换来一世的甜蜜。With the love of life, for the sweetness of the whole life.

  9、梦不到你的夜晚,就算失眠了。Dream not your night, even if insomnia.

  10、因为遇见你,我变成更好的自己。Because I meet you, I become a better self.

  11、往后余生,全都是你!For the rest of the life, it's you!

  12、一生若尘,风过不留。Life is dust, wind can not stay.

  13、好可爱的你,好爱你的我。What a lovely you, love you me.

  14、和你在一起,迎接每一束光。With you, welcome every de sunshine.

  15、我想你现在很忙,所以看前三个字!I think you are busy now, so look at the first three words!

  16、永不褪色的,是对你默默的关怀。Never fade, is to you silently care.

  17、明月可鉴,情深亦寿。The moon can be learned and the love is also life.

  18、风光尽在你眼里,天地不如你怀里。The scenery is in your eyes, the heaven and earth are not as good as you are in your arms.

  19、没事别老艾特我,我以为爱情来了。It's okay don't get old at Ait. I thought love was coming.

  20、用一辈子来回忆,你给我的拥抱。Remember it all your life, the hug you gave me.

  21、快乐拥抱,幸福到老!Happy embrace, happiness to old!

  22、白天想你,下雨了。Miss you in the daytime. It's raining.

  23、桃花不必开了,我等的人已经来了。Peach blossom doesn't have to open. People I wait for have come.

  24、鲜花怒骂少年时,一日看尽长安花。When flowers scold the young, they look at Chang'an flowers all day.

  25、甜蜜,是与你心有灵犀相恋相依。Sweet, is with your heart has a sharp love.

  26、爱情,就是习惯了另一个人的习惯。Love is the habit of another person.

  27、眼中没有星辰大海,目光全是你。There is no sea of stars in your eyes, and you are all eyes.

  28、为你撑伞,为你添衣。Give you an umbrella and clothes for you.

  29、人间太吵了,住我心里吧。The world is too noisy. Live in my heart.

  30、我在等风来,也在等你来。I'm waiting for the wind, and I'm waiting for you.

  31、我没有别的方法,我就有爱。I have no other way, I have love.

  32、爱情路,一起走。Love road, go together.

  33、没有你的世界,无法继续。Without your world, we can't continue.

  34、假如你是另类,我就变成你的同类。If you are a different kind, I will become your kind.

  35、有一种深情的对白,为你而写。There is a kind of deep dialogue, for you to write.

  36、我的天堂,就是有你居住的地方!My heaven is where you live!

  37、若你放开我的手,别说分手直接走。If you let go of my hand, don't say break up and go straight.

  38、没有心上人,不说知心语。No one is in the heart, and I don't know what I am saying.

  39、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。Do you remember how long you didn't say love me.

  40、你来自很远的地方,我去去也无妨。You come from a long way. I can go.

  41、我的爱,只为了你存在。My love, only for you to exist.

  42、只有咳嗽和喜欢你,都控制不住。Coughing and loving you can't control it.

  43、从喜欢你,我的PH值,总是小于7。From liking you, my pH value is always less than 7.

  44、只要你在我身边,我就不会迷路。As long as you are by my side, I won't get lost.

  45、等待也许不容易,但我依然愿意。It may not be easy to wait, but I still want to.

  46、世界就是这样,从来没有公平可言。That's how the world is, and there's never been fairness.

  47、是你的突然出现,让小生心有留恋。It is your sudden appearance, let the little student have a nostalgia.

  48、有情,生命就会绚烂。If you have feelings, life will be gorgeous.

  49、莫失莫忘,不离不弃。Never forget, never leave.

  50、还有小园桃李在,留花不发待郎归。There are also small garden peach and plum in, leaving flowers to wait for Lang return.

  51、我没野心,只想要你。I have no ambition, I just want you.

  52、你等我半个小时,我等你一辈子!You wait for me for half an hour, I'll wait for you all my life!

  53、如果结果美好,过程无所谓。If the results are good, the process doesn't matter.

  54、一生一世,不变心。All life, not change.

  55、你就是这棵树,我吊死在上面了!You are the tree. I am hanging on it!

  56、人间烟火,山河远阔。The world is full of fireworks and mountains and rivers.

  57、万物是你,无可躲。Everything is you, there is no hiding.

  58、我是点逼数,也希望你心里有我。I am a little bit forced to count, and I hope you have me in your heart.

  59、我想你了,有飞机起飞那么响。I miss you. It's as loud as the plane takes off.

  60、很高兴遇见你,很幸运留住你。Nice to meet you and lucky to keep you.

  61、十年前的喜欢你,十年后的我愿意。Ten years ago, I like you, and ten years later I would like to.

  62、梧桐深处凤未归。Phoenix is not in the depths of Wutong.

  63、希望被宠爱,受不得一点委屈。Hope to be loved, not to be a little aggrieved.

  64、斟一杯红酒,为你而醉。Pour a glass of red wine and get drunk for you.

  65、我是星,你是月,没有你我没法过。I am a star, you are a month, I can't have it without you.

  66、与一个人,长相厮守。Stay with one person.

  67、如果爱你是错的,我不想做对。If it's wrong to love you, I don't want to be right.

  68、别无他求,天长地久!No one else, long time!

  69、下页,你被困在我的心里。Next page, you are trapped in my heart.

  70、见到你成长的过程,知君此生不易。See your growth process, know that you are not easy in this life.

  71、心里,总是想你。In my heart, I always miss you.

  72、此世此生,但付君心。This life, but pay for the heart of the monarch.

  73、我的世界,因为有了你而宽广。My world, because of you and broad.

  74、最开心的事,听见你的声音。The happiest thing, hear your voice.

  75、想你,爱你,只想亲亲你。Miss you, love you, just want to kiss you.

  76、幸福是用心体会,不是用身体交会。Happiness is to experience with heart, not to meet with body.

  77、拉着你的手,和你一起老去。Take your hand and get old with you.

  78、你比小偷都可恶,人家偷钱你偷心。You are more evil than thieves. You steal money.

  79、你连指尖都泛出好看的颜色。You even have a nice color on your fingertips.

  80、面对着你,我心里总是兵荒马乱。Facing you, I always have a lot of chaos in my heart.

  81、爱你嘿嘿,爱你嘻嘻。Love you hey, love you.

  82、忙碌时,你让我感动泪花。When I am busy, you make me move tears.

  83、年年有我,岁岁有我。I am every year, and I am at the age of the year.